Dienstag, 4. August 2020

Biological Soil Quality Indicators

A Framework to Incorporate Biological Soil Quality Indicators into Assessing the Sustainability of Territories in the Ecuadorian Amazon, April 2020

Abstract: In Amazonian Ecuador, land-use change from tropical rainforest to different productive purposes is leading to irreversible situations from an environmental perspective. The objective of this paper was to highlight the significance of the biological components in the soils in Amazonian Ecuador, and the importance of considering biological soil quality indexes when assessing environmental impacts in the soils of tropical Pan-Amazonian areas. Since the literature on the subject is dispersed and inaccessible, a bibliographic review was conducted, with the aim of compiling protocols and proposals for practical utilization. We compiled tables, including specific indicators from the biological point of view. We present the available methods for assessing the sustainability of Amazonian territories through the analysis of soil quality. Our contribution facilitates an edaphic (!!) perspective to be taken into account in decision-making processes for sustainable territorial development.

In conclusion, this work has clearly highlighted the importance of the study of the biological component of Amazonian soils. We have developed tables that include specific indicators from the biological point of view. In addition, we showed the available methods for assessing the sustainability of Amazonian territories through the analysis of soil quality.  Our contribution facilitates the need for the edaphic perspective to be taken into account in decision-making processes for sustainable territorial development. 

Biological Soil Quality Indicators pdf
OneDrive > Eigene Dateien > Boden > Boden Analyse - Soil Test
Biological Soil Quality Indicators - sustainability-12-03007-v2.pdf

Na, sowas Schönes, mit Beschreibung der Mikroorganismen, Funktion usw. ...

Und nun die anderen blinden Maulwürfe

Soil food web
Mikrobielle Carbonisierung
Liquid carbon pathway
Chroma Test
BioReactor compost
Compost extract
Effektive Mikroorganismen
Steiner/Pfeiffer Präparate
Terra Preta
Pflanzenkohle + Pilze

und viele viele mehr Boden"veredeler".

Selber suchen und bewerten ..


Origin of Soil Food Web

The Origin of the term "Soil Food Web":

Michael Martin Meléndrez, Originator of the Soil Food Web

Dr. Michael Martin Meléndrez first used the descriptor "soil food web" in a research paper he prepared in 1976 -- long before dr. Elaine Ingham in Oregon coined the phrase to describe her own theories and insights.

First mentioned:
Originally written by Michael Martin Melendrez in 1974
Nature helping science restore the natural process of the soil food web. 
Copyright May 1975 © Revised in 2003
Content: ".. how plants acquire nutrients in a natural Soil Food Web Cycle."

70 Jahre früher hat Francé es EDAPHON genannt.

Soil Food Web 2012
Michael Martin Meléndrez

The Nuts & Bolts of Humus the Humic acids 

Michael Martin Meléndrez, The Founder And Owner Of Trees That Please, 
Soil Secrets And The Arboretum Tomé


In 1974 I described this relationship as the “Soil Food Web,”

I wrote my Master's Thesis on 'Soil  Ecology and the Soil Food Web' in 1974 
and I'm not convinced of the  applicability of Bio-Char 2007

The Problem with Western Soils in Agriculture and in Urban Landscaping:  
Here's a Solution 2014

On 3/28/2006 at 5:14 PM Soilsecrets at aol.com wrote:

The use of protein as a form of fertilizer is not a new concept.  If  you 
recall from your grade school days the image of a Native American burying a fish 
beneath his corn plant as a natural fertilizer. 
What is really needed to make this work is a good balance of aerobic microorganisms that can devour the protein allowing the N-P & K nutrients to enter the food chain of the soil.  
Some may call this the Soil Food Web, but regardless of what you call it, when the trophic levels of soil life eat protein, there is always an excess or leakage of nutrients that find there way into the plant biomass as plant available nutrients.  
In short the best form of a nutritional calorie for the aerobic bacteria  
(often called beneficial bacteria) of the soil is in the form of protein
and not sugar!  Many organic minded people will promote the concept of using  
molasses as a soil food for microbes, but the best is protein.  

Michael Martin Melendrez Ph.D.  
Soil Secrets New Mexico 

Copyright May 1975 © Revised in 2003
Originally written by Michael Martin Melendrez in 1974 
Updated by Michael M. and Dr. Michael Karr, Ph.D. ARCPACS Cert. Prof. Soil Scientist
Discussion in 'Organic Lawn Care' started by muddstopper, Jan 24, 2006.

For that term there is also now a ©  for a registered trademark. 
The owner of a registered trademark may commence legal proceedings for trademark infringement to prevent unauthorized use of that trademark. However, registration is not required. The owner of a common law trademark may also file suit, but an unregistered mark may be protectable only within the geographical area within which it has been used or in geographical areas into which it may be reasonably expected to expand.
