1. Soil bacteria (Bodenbakterien)
2. Soil fungi (Bodenpilze)
3. Algae (Algen)
4. Protozoa (Protozoen)
5. Rotatoria (Rotatorien)
6. Oligochaeta (Oligochaeten = Wenigborster Würmer)
7. Nematoda (Nematoden)
8. Enchytraeiden (Enchytraeiden z.B. Regenwürmer)
9. Tardigrada (Tardigraden = Bärtierchen)
10. Spider (Spinnen)
11. Insects (Insekten)
12. Molluscs (Mollusken = Weichtiere)
13. Mammals (Säugetiere)
Feel the soil
Please Compare
Soil Food Web:
Protozoa (Flagellates, Ciliates Amoeba)
It is a shame that the (Soil) Food Web proponents and hype pushing evangelists never mention(ed) or refer(ed) to the real discoverer of the biocoenotic community of microorganisms in the soil
Raoul Heinrich Francé
The Geobionts of the domestic field soil and forest soil (3 = Isocystis sp. = Blue Algae alive)
In other rare documents there is a differentiation in the Soil Foodweb Structure of Bacteria in
* True Bacteria
* Cyano Bacteria (Blue Algae)
Two tremendous different microorganisms with tremendous different functions in the soil.
There is also a mere mention of Green Algae that is normally total ignored in the Soil Foodweb.

From the accompanying Manual:
"Qualitative Assessment of Microorganisms
Found in Soil, Compost, Castings, and Compost Teas"
Green Algae adds a whole new essential function in the soil, e.g. producing O2, storing N and converting minerals into organic mass (as a member of the Lithobionts).
Nothing said about it here ..
Again, Green Algae does not show up in the list of Soil Foodweb microorganisms in this manual.Raoul Francé; Das Buch des Lebens (The Book of Life), 1924
The underground world of soil organisms
The picture tries to show the real proportions in a water-filled finest soil column,
with the curtain of proliferating soil fungi and soil bacteria, the "train" of diatoms,
the lawn of blue-green algae and the testate amoeba creeping in between.
Drawn according to nature studies at about 600 times magnification.
(Original by the author Raoul Francé)
Raoul Francé; Das Leben im Ackerboden (Life in the arable Soil/Acre), 1922
Soil Algae at the top of fertile arable soil